Are You Wasting Your Time Learning Guitar?

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Are You Wasting Your Time Learning Guitar?

Stuck somewhere in between your guitar learning journey? Not able to get past something you decided to learn? If your answer to the above mentioned questions is a “yes”, then the question “Am I wasting my time learning guitar”? might have crossed your mind multiple number of times, and you might sometimes even think to give up learning guitar.

You my friend, yes you reading this article, need to know that it is completely fine to get stuck in between the process of learning guitar. It would be right to mention here that there is not a single artist in this world who just smoothly learnt all the guitar tactics. Everyone at some point in their guitar learning journey face some problem. That is why it is said my friend, that the two most important tools you need to have when you start to learn guitar is patience and determination.

The most important thing you need to understand while guitar is that it is really, mark my words really important to enjoy your process of guitar learning. If you don’t enjoy the process there is very high chances that you would give up playing guitar. Therefore, you don't need to force yourself to learn stuff that you don't like. You might just love playing chords on the guitar but you might not like playing individual notes, and that might be the portion where you struggle. That doesn’t mean that there is a compulsion that you need to learn playing individual notes whatever may happen. Give time to the stuff you love, which enables you to communicate the music in you, to others. As life is too short to force yourself to learn things you don't like.

So, the major point is that don’t stress on the things you are stuck on, keep improving what you love to do and then after some time, you may or maynot want to try the stuff you were stuck before again. The most important thing is that weather you are able to express yourself with your music or not, nothing other than that matters. 

If you are one of the people who really want to be perfect and want to know each and every style, then my friend, the only key as i mentioned before is perseverance.

So, don’t stress,listen to music you love, enjoy the music you play, play to express and nothing will stop you as you’ll be satisfied!

That was all for this time guys, keep creating magic and stay tuned to 


b guitar chord

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